
noun \ˌan(t)-thrə-ˈpä-lə-jē\
1. The scientific study of the origin, the behavior, and the physical, social, and cultural development of humans.

2. That part of Christian theology concerning the genesis, nature, and future of humans, especially as contrasted with the nature of God

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Terri Schiavo

March 31st is the anniversary of Terri Schiavo's death.  Ever since I met her brother Bob, I have been convicted that there are many who need our voices, born and preborn.  I hope you can join me in honoring Terri's memory.

Suggested Activities for Individuals, Families, Parishes, and Schools 
  • Say the prayer in Remembrance of Terri each day during the week before and after “Terri’s Day”.
  • Conduct or participate in a parish or school essay contest about what happened to Terri, and the issues surrounding care for the disabled and their right to life.
  • Create and publicize a website in honor of Terri.
  • Invite a speaker to your school, parish, or community organization to address issues surrounding the care of the disabled.
  • Organize a letter writing campaign in remembrance of Terri by one or more individuals to local papers or blogs.
  • Spend time volunteering at a nursing home or hospital.
  • Spend time with a disabled friend or relative.
  • Donate to the Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation as a way of reaching out to other families who face similar challenges.
  • Write to or visit elected officials regarding legislation that would increase protection for people facing circumstances like Terri did.
  • Fill out, and make others aware of the “Will to Live,” as available
  • Register to vote and participate in elections. Challenge candidates on their views regarding Terri and those who face the same challenges and dangers she did.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

"I am a human, like everyone else."

"When I asked how he wanted to be described, his eyes teared up and he said 'I am a human, like every one else."

What do we do with people who are broken, bruised, addicted, stubborn, and stuck?  I say we love them hard!

Beautiful Photos of beautiful images of God.

Mr. Bishop: Hunts Point, Bronx